WEAVE J4-4561

Valorisation of olive oil waste material by microbial multispecies biocatalytic aggregates

Basic information

Financer: Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency

Implementation: Implementation of the (co)financing of the project begins on 1 October 2022 and lasts until 30 September 2025 (3 years). The price category is C with 2187 annual hours.

Osnovne informacije

Financer: Javna agencija za znanstvenoraziskovalno in inovacijsko dejavnost

Izvajanje: Izvajanje (so)financiranja projekta se začne 1. 10. 2022 in traja do 30. 9. 2025 (3 leta). Cenovna kategorija je C s 2187 letnimi urami.


Increased demands for olive oil production result in more than 30mio m3 of lignocellulosic wastes per year in the Mediterranean basin, calling for sustainable management of olive pomace (OP) waste. The phytotoxic nature of fresh OP, caused by the high concentrations of polyphenols, lipids and organic acids, can be reduced by two distinctive approaches: either by burning the waste or by valorising it to meet the objectives of sustainability and circularity. Valorization can be achieved at two technical levels: (i) by composting aiming to produce organic fertilizers or (ii) by biotransformation aiming to produce added value compounds that can be used in polymer, food and pharmaceutical industries. Preparation of artificial consortia will be incorporated into carriers or attached on insoluble plant material to: (i) achieve a faster composting process, i.e. reducing OP quantity and transforming it into organic fertilizer and (ii) demonstrate the production of various added-value products out of the compounds present in OP material (e.g. polyhydroxyalkanoates and aromatic substances). To achieve these objectives we will select, construct and characterize the most efficient consortia using different molecular biology methodologies as well as chemical analytic approaches. We will mainly try to assess the activity of these consortia by determining the various metabolic side products of the decomposition process as well as by molecular tools such as transcriptomics and metagenomics to determine community dynamics and their stability to efficiently optimize processes. The prepared immobilized consortia will be then also used in the pilot-scale composting reactors, while the mature compost will be tested with bioassays to determine phytotoxic and plant growth-promoting activity.


Posledica povečanega povpraševanja po proizvodnji oljčnega olja je več kot 30 milijonov m3 lignoceluloznih odpadkov na leto v sredozemlju, kar zahteva trajnostno ravnanje z odpadnimi oljčnimi tropinami (OP). Fitotoksično naravo svežih OP, ki jo povzročajo visoke koncentracije polifenolov, lipidov in organskih kislin, je mogoče zmanjšati z dvema različnima pristopoma: bodisi s sežiganjem odpadkov, bodisi z njihovo valorizacijo, da se dosežejo cilji trajnosti in krožnosti. Valorizacijo je mogoče doseči na dveh tehničnih ravneh: (i) s kompostiranjem za proizvodnjo organskih gnojil ali (ii) z biotransformacijo za proizvodnjo spojin z dodano vrednostjo, ki se lahko uporabljajo v polimerni, prehrambeni in farmacevtski industriji. Pripravek umetnih konzorcijev bakterij bo vgrajen v nosilce ali pritrjen na netopni rastlinski material za: (i) doseganje hitrejšega procesa kompostiranja, tj. zmanjšanje količine OP in njegovo pretvorbo v organsko gnojilo ter (ii) prikaz proizvodnje različnih produktov z dodano vrednostjo iz spojin, prisotnih v materialu OP (npr. polihidroksialkanoati in aromatične snovi). Za dosego teh ciljev bomo izbrali, zgradili in karakterizirali najučinkovitejše konzorcije z uporabo različnih metodologij molekularne biologije in kemijskih analitičnih pristopov. V glavnem bomo poskušali oceniti aktivnost teh konzorcijev z določanjem različnih presnovnih stranskih produktov procesa razgradnje kot tudi z molekularnimi orodji, kot sta transkriptomika in metagenomika, da bi določili dinamiko skupnosti in njihovo stabilnost za učinkovito optimizacijo procesov. Pripravljene imobilizirane konzorcije bomo nato uporabili tudi v pilotnih reaktorjih za kompostiranje, medtem ko bomo zrel kompost testirali z biološkimi testi za ugotavljanje fitotoksičnosti in aktivnosti za spodbujanje rasti rastlin.

Realizacija (SLO)

1 faza: Nabiranje bakterij in priprava bakterijske zbirke za pripravo umetnih bakterijskih združb.

2. faza: Modifikacija površine celic za 

3. faza: Priprava imobiliztacijskih sistemov

4. faza: Priprava in testiranje prototipa biognojil.

Bibliographic record | Bibliografske reference

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Slovenian project leader: Jožef Stefan Institute (dr. Aleš Lapanje)

Slovenian research group collaborators: National Institute of Chemistry 

Croatian project leader: Institute of Agriculture and Tourism (dr. Marko Černe)

Croatian research group collaborators: University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture; National School of Agriculture, Meknes, Morocco 

News | Novice

2024-04-04 | The Laboratory for Colloid Biology attended the UMS24 Conference in Belgrade. Dr. Aleš Lapanje gave an invited talk on colloid biology approaches and Dmitrii Deev presented how bacteria can be isolated from soil. 

2024-03-11 - 2024-03-13 | The Slovenian-Croatian workshop entitled ''Application of olive pomace compost and biochar from grapevine-pruning residues in agriculture'' was organised by the Institute of Agriculture and tourism, Poreč, Croatia

At the workshop, participant presented the latest findings and results in the field of olive pomace composting, agricultural use of biochar from grapevine-pruning residues and microbial characterization of biochar-amended soils.

Workshop topics:

1) Institute of Agriculture and tourism, Croatia
- Marko Černe: Valorisation of olive pomace through agricultural use
- Igor Palčić, Danko Cvitan, Dominik Anđelini: Biochar as a valuable tool in sustainable viticulture

2) Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
- Aleš Lapanje: Overview of the research in colloid biology
- Maja Zugan: Development and characterization of artificial bacterial constructs for the purpose of environmental applications
- Tayebeh Sharifi, Blaž Bohinc: Bio-Photoelectrochemical (BPEC) cells and applications
- Dmitrii Deev: iACME and µLUME approaches for the isolation of native consortia
- Alwin Mabes Raj: Nanobiosensors
- Tamara Kerševan: Size-dependent bacterial distribution and correlation with mercury
- Tomaž Rijavec: Colloid biology in agronomy

3) Visit of laboratories and field facilities 

2024-03-11 | The Laboratory for Colloid Biology visited the Institute for Agriculture and Tourism in Poreč, to discuss the posibilities of incorporating biochar as a component of future biofertilizters. 

2023-09-13/15 | The Laboratory for Colloid Biology attended the ICGEB's workshop "Trends in microbial solutions for sustainable agriculture”. Dr. Aleš Lapanje gave an invited talk on how colloid biology can be used to construct artificial bacterial consortia and the team also presented 3 posters related to this topic. 

2023-09-05 | Dr. Marko Černe gave an invited talk at the Institut Ruđer Bošković presenting the project's concept, planned work and preliminary results. See more

2023-01-30 | Sampling campaign in Poreč, Croatia is underway to obtain compost material for bacterial isolation and molecular analyses. 

2022-12-13 | Project Kick-Off Meeting - The partners from the Institute of Agriculture and Tourism, University of Zagreb Faculty of Agriculture, Institute of Chemistry and Jožef Stefan Institute have met at the Reactor Center Podgorica and online, to kick-off the project. | Uvodni sestanek projekta - Partnerji z Instituta za poljoprivredu i turizam, Kemijskega inštituta in Instituta Jožef Stefan so se simultano srečali na Reaktorskem centru Podgorica in na internetni konferenci, da bi začeli projekt.

2022-10-01 | Official start of the project | Uradni začetek projekta

This project is funded by the Slovenian Research Agency

To projekt financira Javana agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost RS