ARIS J4-4556

New biofertilization approach based on the microbial multispecies biocatalytic aggregates

Basic information

Financer: Slovenian Research and Innovation Agency

Implementation: Implementation of the (co)financing of the project begins on 1 October 2022 and lasts until 30 September 2025 (3 years). The price category is C with 2187 annual hours.

Osnovne informacije

Financer: Javna agencija za znanstvenoraziskovalno in inovacijsko dejavnost

Izvajanje: Izvajanje (so)financiranja projekta se začne 1. 10. 2022 in traja do 30. 9. 2025 (3 leta). Cenovna kategorija je C s 2187 letnimi urami.


Soil quality is decreasing worldwide, due to erosion and intensive use of farmland. Crop plants are not adapted to reduced nutrient content, which is why we need to develop novel soil fertilization approaches delivering nutrients to the vicinity of the roots. In alpine oligotrophic soils mineral-weathering microbes accumulate in “hotspots” in the rhizosphere, in order to increase their efficiency and speed up the mineral dissolution process. Simulating this system, we will implement artificial encapsulation and immobilization of a microbial consortium incorporating mineral-weathering rhizobacteria, N2-fixators, degraders of olysaccharides, and strains for plant biocontrol, The bacteria will be immobilized onto surfaces of carriers to study their effect on nutrient release into the soil and promotion of plant growth.

Inoculation of bacteria into an agricultural systems is not simple and straightforward, but mostly inefficient, due to washing off, preadtion and competition. To solve these problems, we are proposing an approach, where the bacterial cells are locally concentrated by immobilization onto a protective carriers, mineral and organic, to form artificial nutrient-weathering "hotspots". Techniques like layer-by-layer (LBL) electrostatic deposition of charged polyelectrolytes and conventional entrapment into a polymer matrix will be implemented to modify the cell surface and to encapsulate and immobilize the cells. The proposed study will advance the general scientific knowledge on weathering bacteria, bacterial cell physiology and plant-microbe interactions, particularly by gaining more insight on the characteristics of the cell surface, cell division, growth and activity, bacterial cell-surface interactions and bacterial promotion of plant growth. The value of the proposed work is ground setting, will form the basis for future applicative solutions and will be transferable to other fields, like industrial biotechnology and medicine.


Kakovost tal se po vsem svetu slabša zaradi erozije in intenzivne rabe kmetijskih zemljišč. Kulturne rastline niso prilagojene na zmanjšano vsebnost hranil, zato moramo razviti nove pristope gnojenja tal, ki dovajajo hranila v bližino korenin. V alpskih oligotrofnih tleh se mikrobi, ki povzročajo preperevanje mineralov, kopičijo v "vročih točkah" v rizosferi, da bi povečali svojo učinkovitost in pospešili proces raztapljanja mineralov. S simulacijo tega sistema bomo izvedli umetno inkapsulacijo in imobilizacijo mikrobnega konzorcija, ki vključuje rizobakterije, ki lužijo hranila, N2-fiksatorje, razgrajevalce olisaharidov in seve za biokontrolo rastlin. Bakterije bodo imobilizirane na površine nosilcev, da se preuči njihov učinek na sproščanje hranil v tla in spodbujanje rasti rastlin.

Inokulacija bakterij v kmetijske sisteme ni enostaven postopek in je trenutno neučinkovit pristop zaradi izpiranja, predacije in kompeticije. Za rešitev teh težav predlagamo pristop, kjer se bakterijske celice lokalno koncentrirajo z imobilizacijo na zaščitne nosilce, mineralne in organske, da se oblikujejo umetne "vroče točke" za preperevanje hranil. Tehnike, kot je elektrostatično nanašanje po plasteh (LBL) nabitih polielektrolitov in konvencionalno ujetje v polimerno matriko, bodo uporabljene za spreminjanje celične površine ter za inkapsulacijo in imobilizacijo celic. Predlagana študija bo izboljšala splošno znanstveno razumevanje bakterijskega luženja hranil, fiziologije bakterijske celice in interakcij med rastlinami in mikrobi, zlasti s pridobitvijo boljšega vpogleda v značilnosti celične površine, delitev celic, rast in aktivnost, interakcije med celico in površino bakterij ter promocijo bakterij rasti rastlin. Dodana vrednost projekta je tudi v tem, da bodo pridobljeni rezultati predstavljali osnovo za prihodnje aplikativne rešitve ter da bodo prenosljivi na druga področja, kot sta industrijska biotehnologija in medicina.

Realizacija (SLO)

1. faza: Nabiranje bakterij in priprava bakterijske zbirke za pripravo umetnih bakterijskih združb.

2. faza: Modifikacija površine celic za 

3. faza: Priprava imobiliztacijskih sistemov

4. faza: Priprava in testiranje prototipa biognojil.

Bibliographic record | Bibliografske reference

[1]  Članek: GRILC, Katarina Nina, in sod. Nanofibers with genotyped Bacillus strains exhibiting antibacterial and immunomodulatory activity. Journal of controlled release. 2023, vol. 355, str. 371-384, DOI: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2023.01.082. [COBISS.SI-ID 141431811]

[2] Patent: ZUGAN, Maja, in sod. A method for preparation of hydrophobic porous alginate carriers with incorporated microorganisms : EP23169641.0, 2023-04-24. München: European Patent Office, 2023. [COBISS.SI-ID 180135939]

[3] Vabljeno predavanje: LAPANJE, Aleš, RIJAVEC, Tomaž. Engineering microbial communities by the colloid biology approach. V: DIMKIĆ, Ivica (ur.), VENTURI, Vittorio (ur.). ICGEB Meetings & Courses 2023 : ICGEB Workshop : "Trends in microbial solutions for sustainable agriculture" : book of abstracts : September 13 - 15, 2023, Belgrade. [COBISS.SI-ID 167089155]

[4] Predavanje/poster: DEEV, Dmitrii, in sod. Biofertilization 2.0 : rewriting the rules of plant nutrition with a new approach. V: DIMKIĆ, Ivica (ur.), VENTURI, Vittorio (ur.). 2023 ICGEB Workshop [COBISS.SI-ID 167093251]

[5] Predavanje/poster: RIJAVEC, Tomaž, in sod. New biofertilization approach based on the microbial multispecies biocatalytic aggregates. 2023 ICGEB Workshop [COBISS.SI-ID 167096067]

[6] Predavanje/poster: ABALYMOV, Anatolii A., in sod. Development of composite material incorporating urea peroxide for prolonged stimulation of oxidative microbial bioremediation processes. BioRemid 2023 [COBISS.SI-ID 165343491]

[7] Predavanje/poster: ZUGAN, Maja, in sod. iACME method for the isolation of most efficient oil degrading bacterial consortia. BioRemid 2023 [COBISS.SI-ID 165334787]

[8] Predavanje/poster: ZUGAN, Maja, in sod. Production of value-added compounds from waste lignin released form paper industry by lignin utilizing bacterial soil isolates. BioRemid 2023 [COBISS.SI-ID 165341699]

[9] Predavanje/poster: ABALYMOV, Anatolii A., in sod. Assessing the efficacy of bacterial consortia against recalcitrant agents using vaterite nano- and microparticles. ECIS 2023 [COBISS.SI-ID 167077123]

[10] Predavanje/poster: DEEV, Dmitrii, in sod. LEGO-microbes approach for controlling interaction between bacterial cells based on colloid physics principles. ECIS 2023 [COBISS.SI-ID 167078403]

[11] Predavanje/poster: LAPANJE, Aleš, in sod. Formation of synthetic bacterial consortia through electrostatic manipulation of microbial cells. 2023 Power of Microbes in Industry and Environment [COBISS.SI-ID 165313795]

[12] Predavanje/poster: LAPANJE, Aleš, in sod. LEGO microbes : the colloid biology approach to building a microbial community for succesfull remediation of the environment. 2023 Surfbio Policy Workshop [COBISS.SI-ID 168512259]

[13] Magistrsko delo: LOVŠE, Urša. Optimizacija izolacije bakterijske genomske DNA za sekvenciranje s tehnologijo nanopore in analiza zaporedij izbranih sevov : magistrsko delo. Ljubljana, 2023. 80 str., ilustr [COBISS.SI-ID 142822659]

Partnerji projekta:

Project partners:

News | Novice

2024-04-04 | The Laboratory for Colloid Biology attended the UMS24 Conference in Belgrade. Dr. Aleš Lapanje gave an invited talk on colloid biology approaches and Dmitrii Deev presented how bacteria can be isolated from soil. 

2024-03-11 | The Laboratory for Colloid Biology visited the Institute for Agriculture and Tourism in Poreč, to discuss the posibilities of incorporating biochar as a component of future biofertilizters. 

2023-09-13/15 | The Laboratory for Colloid Biology attended the ICGEB's workshop "Trends in microbial solutions for sustainable agriculture”. Dr. Aleš Lapanje gave an invited talk on how colloid biology can be used to construct artificial bacterial consortia and the team also presented 3 posters related to this topic. 

2022-10-11 | Project Kick-Off Meeting - The partners from the University of Ljubljana, the Institute of Chemistry and Jožef Stefan Institute have met at the Reactor Center Podgorica, to kick-off the project. | Uvodni sestanek projekta - Partnerji z Univerze v Ljubljani, Kemijskega inštituta in Instituta Jožef Stefan so se srečali na Reaktorskem centru Podgorica, da bi začeli projekt.

2022-10-01 | Official start of the project | Uradni začetek projekta

This project is funded by the Slovenian Research Agency

To projekt financira Javana agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost RS