The SurfBio Innovation Hub is currently organized as a collaborative network structured around the Colloid Biology "OPEN LAB", which is the contact or access point to the network. The Hub is technically operated through in-kind contributions from the Laboratory for Colloid Biology, Department for Environmental Sciences, Jožef Stefan Institute.
Our network is set to increase the scientific knowledge on the interactions between microbial cells, between microbes and inanimate surfaces and between microbes and higher organisms. We want to increase the visibility of the fields of colloid and surface biology and build a broad scientific community and partner network through organization of workshops, conferences and summer schools. Also, we want to more effectively approach the problems faced by the industry to provide them new solutions or train the staff that can tackle these problems.
The knowledge available and that to be further generated we want to apply to various fields, from biodegradation and bioremediation to food production and safety, antimicrobial activity, medicine and sensor technologies.
The concept of LEGO microbes
Learn more about the concept of LEGO microbes, which allows the construction of different bacterial consortia in the form of spherical aggregates or biofilms on surfaces.
Food safety & production
Discover the transformative capabilities of microbes and how they can improve food safety and the food production landscape.
Sustainable solutions
Learn about the dynamics of microbe-surface interactions, that drive environmentally friendly fertilisation practices that stimulate plant growth or bioremediate polluted environments.
Get to know more about the potential of microbes that can be used as medicine to directly fight disease or to restore the natural microbiota.
Industrial stakeholders are able to test their ideas, get their "proofs-of-concept" before investing or ask for the development of new final solutions to their problems. Also, long-term research and development support is available on individual case-by-case basis.
Staff training
The training of staff is possible at the OPEN-LAB without numerous initial barriers. Staff can learn about different methodologies, operation of equipment and scientific approaches.
Workshops / Summer Schools
Each year the Innovation Hub will organize at different locations summer/winter schools in the form of student and research staff training.
Conferences and networking
We currently foresee a biannual conference for colloid and surface biology organized individually or as part of more general conferences on Microbiology, Colloids and Material Sciences.
Partners, experts and stakeholders shared their approaches in the field of colloid biology.
Click to see the full programme
12:30 - 13:00
Registration at the Reactor centre Podgorica, Jožef Stefan institute (Slovenia).
13:00 - 13:15
Opening Remarks (15')
Placement of Innovation Hub within the Department of Environmental Sciences and Jozef Stefan Institute. Prof. dr. Milena Horvat, Head of Departmen of Environmental Sciences, Jožef Stefan Institute.
Hub as an open innovation community of stakeholders - EC initiatives. Ángel Del Pozo Pérez, Deputy Manager for Programmes Strategy – Keralty.
A brief overview of the SurfBio Innovation Hub project. Dr. Aleš Lapanje
13:15 - 13:35
SurfBio Innovation Hub (20')
Innovation Hub mission and objectives. Dr. Aleš Lapanje.
Innovation Hub network: partners, GAC, industries, public and non-governmental organisations. Dr. Tomaž Rijavec.
Innovation Hub services and Potential applications. Dr. Aleš Lapanje.
13:35 - 13:50
What is colloid biology? Benefits of Colloid Biology (15')
How can colloid biology contribute to lessening some of today’s global challenges? Dr. Aleš Lapanje.
Cases from the "field" Dr. Tomaž Rijavec.
13:50 - 14:05
Coffee Break (15 minutes)
14:05 - 15:00
Showcase of colloid biology joint research to deliver solutions (50')
Colloid biology to upgrade side-streams. Dr. Maria Suarez Diez (WUR)
Colloid biology linked to environmental applications. Dr. Rocio Barros Garcia (UBU)
Raman spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy: tools for advanced explorations in colloid biology. Dr. Andre Skirtach (GU)
Surfbio - From dental safety, to nanosafety, to nuclear safety. Dr. Stefan Schymura (HZDR).
Business support to colloid biology research developments. Raquel Moreno (AXIA).
15:00 - 15:45
Panel Discussion: "Future Trends in Colloid Biology Research Community" (45')
Industrial. Tomaz Lutman (TTO)
Scientific. Education. Iaroslav Rybkin (SaudiAramco). UBU.
15:45 - 16:00
Closing Remarks
10 NOVEMBER - winter school
"Exploring microbial cell-surface and cell colloid interactions: advanced analytical methods"
Click to see the full programme
09:00 - 09:30
Dr. Ales Lapanje (JSI)
Advanced Strategies for Isolating Bacteria and Microbial Consortia Using Microfluidics, Aggregation and Encapsulation.
09:30 - 10:00
Dr. Carlos Rumbo (ICCRAM - UBU)
Bacterial biofilms: relevance and methods to evaluate the toxicity in these structures.
10:00 - 10:30
Dr. Andre Skirtach (Ghent University)
Probing Biocolloids with Precision: Insights from Raman Spectroscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy.
10:30 – 11:00
11:00 - 11:30
Dr. Stefan Schymura (HZDR)
Study of the Environmental Fate of Nanoparticles in Organisms using Radiotracing.
11:30 - 12:00
Dr. Stefan Schymura (HZDR)
Dental bio-interface restoration using Ca-caseinate bio/nano colloids: a converged roughness parameter analysis via interferometric microscopy.
Grant No. 952379